
Congratulations to our graduate students and postdocs for their outstanding achievements!!


Xueying Shang

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2024

Wanyue Wang

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2023

Yichen Luo

Neuroscience Doctoral Thesis Prize, Yale Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program (to a graduate student in neuroscience whose PhD thesis reflects the highest standards of scientific achievement) 2023

Shuke Xiao

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2022

Jennifer Sun

Don Tucker Memorial Award, AChemS, 2018

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2019

Nikki Larter

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2016

Linnea Weiss

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2010

Allison Carey

Harold W. Weintraub Graduate Student Award, 2010

Porter Prize, 2010

Selma and Karl Folkers Prize in Biomedical Research, 2010

Andrea Tichy

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2009

  Jenny Perry  

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2008

  Scott Kreher  

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2007

Anand Ray

Polak Young Investigator Award, 2006, Association for Chemoreception Science

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2005

Elissa Hallem

Harold W. Weintraub Graduate Student Award, 2005

Larry Sandler Award, 2005, for the most outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in an area of Drosophila research

Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)/UMI Distinguished Dissertation Award, 2005

Anna Dobritsa

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2003

Marc Freeman

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 2000

Peter Clyne

Thomas Elkins Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation in the Field of Drosophila Neurobiology, 1999

Mary Lilly

John Spangler Nicholas Prize (Best PhD Dissertation in the Department) 1992


NSF Graduate Fellowships

Peter Clyne

Elissa Hallem

Scott Kreher

Andrea Yao

Nikki Larter

Jennifer Sun

Karina Ascunce-Gonzalez


Fellowships to our Postdocs (Partial List)

Gaelle Talross: NIH K99 Award

Lisa Baik: NIH K99 Award

Hany Dweck: NIH K01 Award

Hany Dweck: LSRF Fellowship

Shimaa Ebrahim: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship

Lisa Baik: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship

Gaëlle Talross: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship

Sebastian Chahda: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship

Ryan Joseph: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship

Karen Menuz: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship

Marien de Bruyne: HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowship

Rickard Ignell: Wenner-Gren Foundation Postdoctoral Grant

Klemens Stoertkuhl: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant

Paul Ebert: LSRF Fellowship

Elizabeth Vallen: Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Fellowship

Sarah Ritzenthaler: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship

Paul diBello: NIH NRSA F32 Fellowship